English Stories

Our stories cover a wide range of genres, such as legends, drama, comedy, romance, horror, science fiction and action. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced learner, there’s something for everyone.

Good Night, Little Bear Article

It is time for Little Bear and his mum to settle down in their cosy den for the winter. But Little Bear can’t sleep so he gets up and goes out for a walk… 


Chirrup! Chirrup!

A sparrow comes to Julie’s kitchen window every morning. One day the sparrow follows her to school, calling, “Chirrup, chirrup!” But what does it mean? 


Martha, queen of surprises

Martha has an idea. She wants to make a lovely cake for her neighbour, Hubert the hamster. But she might need just a little help… 


Little tree, grows big

One morning, Joe came out of his house and saw a little tree growing right in front of his door. Joe was in a hurry to go fishing so he left the tree where it was. But what happens to little trees? They grow big! 


Chep's bike

The only thing Chep owns is a bike. He loves riding it. One day he finds out that his bake can change his life… 


Off to China

Tom is on holiday with his family. One morning he wakes up in a bad mood and decides to go as far away as possible… all the way to China! 


Little donkey goes to school

Desmond is very happy being a donkey but when he sees children going to school each day, he wants to go with them! 


Greedy wolf

Danny the wolf eats everything and anything… Until one day he gets a really sore tummy. The doctor who comes to visit him is a sheep… What will happen next?  


The animals' Christmas

Father Christmas doesn’t usually bring presents to animals. But Rabbit would very much like a present and sets about preparing for Father Christmas’s visit.  


I don't want to get out of bed

We have all felt like this! But when one little boy keeps saying it, his dad loses his patience. So he takes his son off to school… in bed!  


Tommy and the thieves

Tommy lives in Madagascar. The people in his village keep zebus. But one evening thieves come and steal the zebus. Nobody knows what to do about it but maybe Tommy has an idea… 


Crazy race

Archie and his old donkey Rapido always come last in the Royal Race. Archie longs to win so that Princess Flora will at last notice him… 


Visiting vampira

Emma would love to have a pet. Her vampire friend Vampira has an idea. She invites Emma to visit her world. Emma is a little worried but she wants to see her friend again… 


The mega sardine show

The oceans are so polluted that there is only one sardine left alive. Zane finds it but will he be able to stop nasty TV presenter Guppy from getting hold of it? 


Mystery at the Inventor's club

Laura and Amy are worried. Their Aunt Agatha has been accused of stealing another inventor’s idea. They must help her to prove she is innocent! 


Pirate treasure

Like every summer, Leo and Julie are spending the holidays with their Uncle Frank. He is obsessed with finding pirate treasure. Maybe this year he will be lucky? 


Magic school trip

Amelia and Greg are going on a school trip to the land of fairy tales. It will be a great chance to practise their magic! That’s if nothing goes wrong… 


Poisonous game

Caleb and Charlie love playing video games. They even act them out at break time. A boy from Year 6 notices and asks Caleb to join his team and play a cool new game.  


Katarina and the red witch

Katerina’s parents are taken prisoner by cruel bandits. Brave Katerina follows them, to try to save them. Along the way, she gets help from a very old lady… 


Three stars

Tarek’s family come from Syria where there is war. So they leave for Europe and safety. Will Tarek ever see his two best friends Ahmed and Elias again?  


A present for May

Shan and May become friends thanks to Shan’s dog Hoa Mi and her puppy Li Ping. But when Li Ping is attacked May is heart broken and blames Shan… 


Son of a star

Alex is having trouble making friends at his new school. Then a magazine publishes a photo of singer Thelma Edward with her son… and it’s Alex in the photo with her!  


Noah's lie

Noah would rather lie than tell his friends the truth about where he and his mum live… 


An ordinary case of appendicitis

When Brian goes into hospital for appendicitis, things seem to keep going from bad to worse… 


The Christimas I was 10

Lila goes shopping to find a Christmas present for her sister… but she discovers something else she just can’t resist.  
